Aayan Hirsi Ali and Islamic Reformation

Aayan Hirsi Ali. An excellent article by the very vocal ex-Muslim activist Aayan Hirsi Ali entitled Why Islam Needs a Reformation was recently published in the Wall Street Journal. “Islam Continue Reading →
Aayan Hirsi Ali. An excellent article by the very vocal ex-Muslim activist Aayan Hirsi Ali entitled Why Islam Needs a Reformation was recently published in the Wall Street Journal. “Islam Continue Reading →
Roman Catholic Cardinal Raymond Burke. In a recent HuffPo article, the Cardinal lays out the inescapable truth of of it all: Cardinal Raymond Burke: Gays, Remarried Catholics Are Just As Continue Reading →
Jesus, a 1st Century 5’5″ Arab/Jew and Jesus portrayed by the 5’9-1/2″ white actor, Robert Powell. I posted this reply below on Facebook recently to an article from “Jesus Daily” Continue Reading →
Deepak Chopra and The 14th Dalai Lama. Mystic Bullshitters both. “From one viewpoint, Buddhism is a religion, from another viewpoint Buddhism is a science of mind and not a religion. Continue Reading →
Mayssa Karaa. Despite the ridiculous, absurd roadblocks put up by religious fantasies, we are rapidly becoming a global culture, connected by reason and tolerance and music and art and empathy Continue Reading →
Religion and science, faith vs. reason, no conflict you say? Ha! All the claims listed below either have no support from or have been refuted by scientific evidence to the Continue Reading →
Check out this xclnt article from the Net News magazine AEON entitled: The Double Life of Hasidic Atheists. Yes, you read that right Hasidic Atheists Even within the insular confines Continue Reading →
In the late 1800’s some philosophers were absolutely certain we would never know the composition of the stars, we could never go there and sample them so it was utterly Continue Reading →
“Young Atheist Here”. A reddit poster who called himself “Young Atheist”(age 18) asks for advice, input from the subscribers of the sub reddit /atheism to help him respond to arguments Continue Reading →
Aiofe McLysaght on Evolutionary Genetics. This is the sort of science that Ken Ham and other Creationism peddlers don’t want their constituency of believers to know exists. Besides the huge Continue Reading →