We are D.O.N.E.! "Defenders of the New Enlightenment." Dedicated to exposing the absurdities and repressions of religious thought and to the continued advancement of science, reason and tolerance. INFORMATION KILLS RELIGION.
Jase Heap of The Untied Coalition of Reason reports that 367 out 1,041 incoming freshmen at American University in Wash DC identify as a “None” of some kind. “Nones” of Continue Reading →
We are a recalcitrant species. Stubbornness, when manifested as stick-to-it-iveness, is a hallmark of our very human tenacity and cleverness to adapt to almost any environment on earth. In the Continue Reading →
WHY WE CAN WIN The following is a an edited excerpt of an anonymous conversation from a discussion thread from one of my classes. “I go to a private christian Continue Reading →
(as recent a photo as I got. But a few months old, speaking, talking with my hands as usual, wanting to convey information as usual as well…it is what separates Continue Reading →