Religion and science, faith vs. reason, no conflict you say? Ha!
All the claims listed below either have no support from or have been refuted by scientific evidence to the contrary. In addition, take religion out of the equation and how many of these claims would be held by anybody? Faith is belief without evidence, the exact opposite of the evidence based reason that science runs on.
See for yourself….
Creationism, old and young Earth varieties.
Jehovah’s Witnesses prohibition of blood transfusions.
Would anyone take these ideas seriously without being told they were true and good by some religion?
Sexual orientation is a “choice.”
The science says sexual orientation is not a choice and nothing to be afraid of or hate, its quite normal throughout the animal kingdom. Only religions promote this nonsense…and defend it vigorously!
Heaven and Hell.
Original Sin.
“The Big Bang, evolution and embryology, (embryology?) are lies from the Pit of Hell”
– Republican Representative and Baptist Mark Broun, an M.D.
Christian Scientists belief that the “sick should be treated not by medicine, but by a form of prayer..”
Hundreds of US children have died as a result of faith-healing fails since 1975…
Thousands of kids, helpless, in control of their parents suffer needlessly…some die.
Eve was made from Adam’s rib, but had different genes.
The Tower of Babel explains the diversity of human languages vs. language evolution.
All humans descended from two people Adam and Eve…genetically impossible.
The Devil.
Angels, demons, incubi, succubi, djinns….
Primitive fantasies no-one would believe in anymore without religious indocctrination.
Hebrew patriarchs lived hundreds of years.
Our genes degraded after the Fall.
Utterly impossible and completely unscientific.
Denial of evolution.
Denial of Abiogenesis.
The power of prayer.
Millions of deities like elephant headed gods really exist.
Complete fantasies, impossible to prove, proven wrong again and again. But they are still taught as true in religions, going directly against what modern science has discovered about how the world really works.
Buddhist claims for reincarnation of the soul.
An afterlife.
Complete speculations taught as eternal truths.
Women are inferior.
Elected church officials can now talk to god.
More absurd fantasies.
Masturbation is bad.
Anything other than vaginal sex for procreation is unnatural.
Even the so-called enlightened Eastern mysticism religions preach this nonsense.
Resurrections happen.
Nirvana can end the endless cycle of rebirth.
This your brain on religion:
Any questions?