Somebody FINALLY used the “R” word!!!

Glenn Kirschner- Justice Matters One rarely finds anyone on MSNBC, and certainly not on the major networks, ever mentioning the “R”-word – RELIGION, in any sort of negative sense: as Continue Reading →
Glenn Kirschner- Justice Matters One rarely finds anyone on MSNBC, and certainly not on the major networks, ever mentioning the “R”-word – RELIGION, in any sort of negative sense: as Continue Reading →
MCFH (McHenry County Freethinkers and Humanists) booth at the McHenry County Fairgrounds August 3-8 2021. Representing the 25% of Americans who are not religious.-the Freethinkers. As Humanists we promote human Continue Reading →
Kristen Powers, Fox News personality and a regular contributor to USA Today has pulled a Bill O’Reilly kinda whine in her latest oped installment: Liberals’ Dark Ages According to her Continue Reading →
This post below on FB is the first thing I see when I open FB on Christmas Eve… from our pal the street preacher: “Homosexuality and abortion are blatant attacks Continue Reading →
A short while back one of our professors likened these living things as equal in personhood. I kinda took exception to that strained analogy: A human fertilized egg (zygote), a Continue Reading →