There Oughta Be 50

We have 20 female US Senators. A beautiful thing really, up from the traditional handful, but still 30 short to be sure. And we need 25 or 26 female governors Continue Reading →
We have 20 female US Senators. A beautiful thing really, up from the traditional handful, but still 30 short to be sure. And we need 25 or 26 female governors Continue Reading →
So much has happened in just one week: initiating this blog, my speaking at KY Freethought (see two posts below), arranging for Jerry Coyne coming to Murray State (see poster Continue Reading →
(Upper left: Oldowan Chopper, bottom left: Early Acheulian Handaxe, the rest: Later Acheulian Handaxes) OK, so I have had those stone tools up across my banner for a week now. Continue Reading →
(From left to right: myself, Sarah Henry, Jamila Bey, Reba Boyd Wooden, Hemant Mehta, & Annie Laurie Gaylor) Just got back late last nite from speaking at the 2nd annual Continue Reading →
Some might find it a bit odd that I’m promoting the book and blog of a devoted Evangelical Christian. Her name is Rachel Held Evans and yes I not only Continue Reading →
“SCIENCE FLIES YOU TO THE MOON, RELIGION FLIES YOU INTO BUILDINGS” Kudos from unexpected fronts have occurred nearly every week for a couple of years now. One of the first Continue Reading →
Why did Hitch bother, why do I…or any of us New Enlightenment promoters who blog, editorialize, publish, speak and communicate daily all over the world against the repressions of religion? Continue Reading →
“You’ve had a thousand years and ya fucked it, It’s OVER.” So sayeth Billy Connolly on religion. If you think I’m hard on religion check out some of today’s comics Continue Reading →
“It’s said science will dehumanize people and turn them into numbers, that’s false, tragically false. Look for yourself, this is the concentration camp and crematorium at Auschwitz, this is where Continue Reading →
This has been a long time coming. WELCOME to the inaugural post of “Dispatches from the New Enlightenment”! I will be posting daily on all things secular, scientific and humanist… Continue Reading →