Somebody FINALLY used the “R” word!!!

Glenn Kirschner- Justice Matters One rarely finds anyone on MSNBC, and certainly not on the major networks, ever mentioning the “R”-word – RELIGION, in any sort of negative sense: as Continue Reading →
Glenn Kirschner- Justice Matters One rarely finds anyone on MSNBC, and certainly not on the major networks, ever mentioning the “R”-word – RELIGION, in any sort of negative sense: as Continue Reading →
I’ve posted 3 times here on the idiocy of American attitudes toward breastfeeding, in public, or just the sight of bare breasts displayed by women (Oh, horrors): here, Here, and Continue Reading →
I’ve blogged numerous times on the apparent inevitability of liberal progressive ideas eventually overcoming the undying resistance of Conservatism: here, Here, and HERE…and there are 1/2 dozen more blogs on Continue Reading →
Despite the un-precedented science-illiterate if not outright science, even reality denying administration we have been saddled with by the archaic and entrenched Electoral College system, this article from Forbes magazine Continue Reading →
Karen Garst, PhD, has recently published Women Beyond Belief, her edited volume of 22 personal stories of modern women who have abandoned organized religion and moved on to live freely, Continue Reading →
Deeyah Kahn gives a moving talk about her experiences as a Muslim girl and her films that document the horrific honor killings and terrorist recruitment in Europe’s Muslim communities. The Continue Reading →
Whether you like Hugh Hefner or not (he just turned 90) he has always been a champion for human rights…gay rights, racial equality, yes, even women’s rights and of course, Continue Reading →
This is a 6 hour recording done by the folks at Mythicist Milwaukee. Maryam Namzie’s speech is on at 2:34:00 (let it load for a bit, its a big file). Continue Reading →
Emily Calandrelli “The Space Gal” is at it again with another informative TED video on space exploration. She covers everything from the costs and dangers to the involvement of NASA Continue Reading →
Qanta Ahmed’s detailed exposition of life in Saudi Arabia, In The Land of the Invisible Women describing life in the Kingdom both in general for the average Saudi citizen and Continue Reading →