Jamie Wheal: “Gimme that Old Time Religion”

Jamie Wheal, author, co-founder of Flow Genome Project (more on that later) and defender of the “faith” – however New Agey and psychedelic his leanings. I disagreed with this guy Continue Reading →
Jamie Wheal, author, co-founder of Flow Genome Project (more on that later) and defender of the “faith” – however New Agey and psychedelic his leanings. I disagreed with this guy Continue Reading →
There is no better example of “The Arrogance of Religious Thought” (TART), than the mess of proposed and established anti-LGBTQI and anti-abortion legislation swamping the US right now (over 1,600 Continue Reading →
Glenn Kirschner- Justice Matters One rarely finds anyone on MSNBC, and certainly not on the major networks, ever mentioning the “R”-word – RELIGION, in any sort of negative sense: as Continue Reading →
This JAXNEWS4 article says it all: Vaccinated older female from Jacksonville Fla. gets COVID and recovers, her 2 sons both un-vaccinated 30-40 year-olds, die of it in a matter of Continue Reading →
MCFH (McHenry County Freethinkers and Humanists) booth at the McHenry County Fairgrounds August 3-8 2021. Representing the 25% of Americans who are not religious.-the Freethinkers. As Humanists we promote human Continue Reading →
6/22/2021: Israel with 9 million citizens, 55% of whom are fully vaccinated, is experiencing a COVID “surge” of 125 new cases/day – and they’re jumping into action against the new Continue Reading →
The 18-29 year olds, the folks I mostly teach, GEN Z, born 1990- to early 2010’s literally shocked the pollster reporting his findings on a recent segment of MORNING JOE. Continue Reading →
The map above shows the US states color coded by COVID infection rate per 100,000 residents as of early March 2021. The darkest purple states: So. Dakota, No. Dakota, and Continue Reading →
Two US States, two Asian countries. Stupidity, religious arrogance, science denial vs. science-based public health measures. North and South Dakota vs. Thailand and Vietnam North Dakota has the dubious and Continue Reading →
New York ER doctor, Steven MacDonald, in an Oct.17th Yahoo Finance “The Ticker” interview notes a significant fact regarding the peculiar spread of the coronavirus since summer: “To the extent Continue Reading →