The Scale of the Universe II

Check out this incredible video! Holy Smokes! I did a blog exactly 2 years ago to the day (I just discovered by looking back through all my posts) that included Continue Reading →
Check out this incredible video! Holy Smokes! I did a blog exactly 2 years ago to the day (I just discovered by looking back through all my posts) that included Continue Reading →
Thomas Jefferson. When he and John Adams met with the ambassador of the Barbary Coast (today’s Morocco, Algeria, Libya and Tunisia) in 1785 to inquire as to why this Muslim Continue Reading →
The Copernican Heliocentric (Sun-centered) Solar System. The Catholic Church didnt like it. From the Wiki on Galileo: “In February 1616, an Inquisitorial commission declared heliocentrism to be “foolish and absurd Continue Reading →
Dan Dennett. Philosopher of Science and Mind. Evolution Explainer Extraordinaire. This past spring, Salon magazine published an excellent article on Dan’s thinking on the future of religion in the Information Continue Reading →
The Giant Reef Worm. An ALIEN living right here under our oceans? Click on the link and see! It is a “don’t miss it” video! If this is evidence for Continue Reading →
Dr. Darrel Ray and his Secular Sexuality podcast! On this weeks installment I get interviewed about all things atheist and sexual and psychology and religion and the Pope and gay Continue Reading →
The Gideon mini-New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs. And on the first page it proclaims: “The Bible contains the mind of God…its histories are true” It is that time of Continue Reading →